Self Mastery Programs

Self Mastery Programs

Self Mastery Programs

Imagine being able to change your energy levels and feelings at your own will!

Calm Down your Nervous System and Embrace Joy – a 6 month Development Program

  • Are you easily or constantly stressed or being overly anxious?
  • Are you longing for more energy, joy and vitality in your life?
  • Do you want to improve your sleep or find deep rest and a sense of inner peace?

As a society, we are getting used to feeling constantly somewhat overwhelmed, but it doesn´t have to be this way!

Through this 6-month program we teach you how to befriend your nervous system and embrace joy.

What to expect

What to expect

We teach you how to train your body and mind to a new way of responding to your inner and outer reality, thereby bypassing the preprogrammed stress response in the nervous system.

Through a clear step by step process, we support and teach you how to

  • Relate to your inner stressors in more beneficial ways, creating own thinking and behavioral patterns
  • Handle outer stressors
  • Create new supportive habits fostering relaxation, health and boosting joy
  • Getting tools for soothing and resetting your nervous systems during the day

From our first course day you will be helped, and your wellbeing will improve over time.

This is for you, who…

This is for you, who…

  • Are ready to make changes in your life, where it is most needed
  • Are open-minded
  • Want to be part of an active development group who share and support each other with the best intentions in mind

No other requirements, you are welcome as you are!

A simple truth: Your commitment to yourself determines your output and future wellbeing.

As a result, you will probably experience…

As a result, you will probably experience…

  • Less stress and increased energy levels
  • Increased happiness and easier ways to find states of inner peace and relaxation
  • Clearer direction in your life and a sense of meaning
  • Self-acceptance and forgiveness
  • Increased self-esteem – knowing who you are and acting congruently
  • Prioritizing and meeting own needs during the day
  • Deep knowing that you have the power to change and create the life you want
On a practical note

On a practical note

  • Course work, One Saturday every month from 9-18 CET, meeting face to face on course location
  • Course work, One weekday every month from 18-12.30 CET, meeting face to face on course location
  • Individual assignments to work on at home (meditations, tools, reflection and practices are available to you)
  • Home assignments in smaller peer groups in between course work (meet up at zoom or face to face at your liking)
  • Ongoing communication via WhatsApp in the group for support, questions, sharing victories or cases of stuckness. We have got your back.

To boost your development further, we are happy to simultaneously support you with Self Mastery Therapy

An Excerpt from the Toolbox

An Excerpt from the Toolbox

  • Self-regulating the nervous system (EFT/tapping, yoga, breathing exercises, acupressure)
  • The science of how your life story and own beliefs interacts with the nervous system and experience of stress and wellbeing
  • Understanding and releasing old habits of thinking, feeling and behaving (therapy, coaching)
  • Connecting to your inner potentials and the Meaningful (meditation & mindfulness)
  • Relatedness – heartfelt interactions in the group and own loving relationships
Next program

Next program

Please contact us to learn more about the next program.

You are always welcome to contact us regarding Self Mastery Therapy.

Please contact us to learn more about the next program!

And you are always welcome to contact us regarding Self Mastery Therapy.